Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1 year later

One year life has changed so much. I have lost officially, 67 lbs since March 23, 2009. I used to be a size 22, now I am a size 10/12. My measurements have changed over time but I still have some problem areas. ;o)

I am so grateful that I no longer have Type 2 Diabetes. My blood pressure has also been getting better. My meds have been lowered but I eventually want to get off them completely as well.

We also got the all-clear to try to conceive. Of course, I will be 40 years old next month so I know that it will be an uphill battle to try to conceive but we will leave it in the hands of the Lord.

Enjoying the time away from the grind of working! I decided to get myself involved with selling Avon. I am a lover of Avon so I figure I would be good at selling it! :o) Please feel free to stop by and shop: My Avon Store

Have a great evening!